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Saturday, 20 June 2020 12:21

Who will speak if we don't?

202012OTWeb350Since the death of George Floyd our screens have been filled with marches and protests against racism. Lest we in Australia thought it was all about people in America, protests here have drawn attention to the experience of racism in our own country.

While some were critical of those who marched, others seemed to understand that sometimes you just have to speak out, no matter what the circumstances.

Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington compared the coronavirus pandemic to racism. The same questions we have about the virus we also need to ask about racism, he said. "How is this silent but deadly virus passed on to other people? Is it learned at home? Is it transmitted through our structures? How can we render it ineffective?" 

Responding to critics, Archbishop Gregory said, "The church lives in society. The church does not live behind the four [walls] of the structures where we worship. I think that's a that's a key sign and challenge of Pope Francis: Get out of the four walls and get into the world and make a difference proclaiming the Gospel … beyond the four walls.”

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, Matthew gives the same message to his community. Hold firm to what you believe and proclaim it boldly. That message is ours, too. If we don’t speak, who will? If we don’t act, who will? That leaves us with a confronting question: what will I say and do the next time I hear a racist comment or see someone abused because of the colour of their skin?

Join us in celebrating at home this Sunday using the links below.

Celebrating At Home 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time PDF
Celebrating At Home 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time iPhone & iPad

Lectio Divina for 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time PDF
Lectio Divina for 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time iPhone & iPad