Give Hope to those in need

As Carmelites our purpose is to provide spiritual and pastoral care not only to those who come to our Churches but to everyone who needs our support. We believe we can help people from all walks of life reach their full potential through community, prayer, and action.

Your gift will help us continue to be by the side of people in need. It will help us continue to give companionship and care to those who are vulnerable, traumatised or feeling isolated and alone. It will help us guide and mentor disadvantaged youth so they get back on their feet and become productive members of our society once again. And it can provide comfort to people in their final hours by visiting them in their homes, hospitals or hospices.

Give a Gift of Hope today.

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Contact Us

Carmelite Provincial Centre
75 Wright Street,
Middle Park Victoria 3206 Australia.
+61 3 9699 1922

Carmelite Communications
Communications Director:
Fr David Hofman, O.Carm
+61 3 9699 2950

Carmelite Rule

A rule of life was given to the early Carmelites by St Albert Avogadro, Patriach of Jerusalem between the years 1206 - 1214. It was finally approved by Pope Innocent in 1247 and later underwent mitigations which were not in the original text.

The Carmelite Rule states that is basic for a Carmelite to "live a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ - how, pure in heart and stout in conscience, he must be unswerving in the service of his Master" [no.2].


The Carmelites of Australia and Timor-Leste are committed to the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults from all forms of abuse and mistreatment.

NCSS Commitment Badge 250 ReverseWe are committed to safeguarding all people in our care, particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults.

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